eCommerce Buy Keywords For The Holiday Season
Have you taken a look at the latest Google rankings for buy keywords?? If you run an eCommerce site or try to find any buy keywords to help rank your websites GOOD LUCK!! It appears Google is reserving buy keywords for well established eCommerce sites like Amazon, eBay, Best BuyContinue Reading
Looking To Find Niches Or Ideas
As I was going through my daily rituals I noticed Jack Duncan has a new product out about short reports. This is in no way a new concept, many people have made much money writing small reports to either give away or sell. Jacks concept is about looking at theContinue Reading
What is working for you with Internet Marketing today??
The IM landscape is changing dramatically for 2012. Google has really made a lot of changes and has ruin many using the old techniques that use to work. I invite anyone to comment on what is working for them making money in the Internet Arena or even ask a InternetContinue Reading
Ask a question get a free backlink
Going to try something new here. What is your biggest challenge with Internet Marketing?? I will try to answer you as best as I can, or maybe someone can answer it better than I can and get a link back. Continue Reading
11 Best Fast-Growing Business Opportunities Accessible To Entrepreneurs
What type of business, exactly, should you start? As budding entrepreneurs this question is always in front of the decisions to make when deciding on what to do next. The downward economic tide of the Great Recession has forced many people to not invest all their eggs into one modeContinue Reading
Futurist Series – Pay Attention To New Marketing Trends
2011 has been quite a year for marketing. This year has brought about many new marketing approaches and I am sure we will see more new ways to market to our customers. What has changed mainly is the new marketplace channels such as making your products available in multiple formatsContinue Reading
FireFox Speed Up
Here is something I stumbled upon surfing for something else. Speedy FireFox, this little program speeds up a sluggish FireFox browswer. For sometime now my browser has been slow to respond. All the time I was looking for some malware or something for its cause. Then I stumble upon SpeedyContinue Reading
PDF Creator Plus Much More
As an Internet Marketer we are constantly working with information products. The most common format to pass information is a PDF, because it can be opened by just about every electronic gadget, even Mac’s. If you are not already using Open Office I would suggest you switch over from Window’sContinue Reading
Revo Uninstaller Program
I just love working with tools, whether they are physical tools or virtual tools. It has to be a fixation I had from early childhood days watching my Dad as a ship maker working with hand made tools carved out of wood, the days before plastic and commercially available madeContinue Reading
Welcome to Slick Time Savers!
Welcome Your time is valuable. A resource we can never recover. You can go broke, things can do wrong, but time is a commodity you can never recover. I am starting this blog to help you with your day to day time management efforts. Each day I will be postingContinue Reading