Looking as far back as 2009 and earlier, Google was working on new ways for replacing page rank for Google Search Here’s a quote from Search Engine Land released from Google discussing how Google News was working on a independent algorithm from regular Google Search Google News taps into itsContinue Reading

I don’t know about you but technology fascinates me. We’ve all seen movie plots start where you see someone in a particular predicament but before the scene moves forward the movie goes back in time and exposes how this person has gotten themselves into whatever the movie is about. ThisContinue Reading

What’s the first thing anyone who wants to rank in Google search do? They look at the search counts in Google keyword planner Just take a look at any article, how to, or any information instructing you how you can rank in Google search Just about everyone is trained orContinue Reading

I can’t believe in this day and age comment spamming is still happening without any thought to what they are doing Each day the multiple blogs I manage I see such a large amount of comment spam on the blogs by the misinformed Let me ask you a question? IsContinue Reading

By now lots of has been said about the new Google Hummingbird update. In many ways statements floating around on the internet are confusing. Every time a new announced update takes place a huge flurry of buzz and panic takes over for Internet Marketers about what this means to themContinue Reading