Transcript of video and link below

Hi Ed Chiasson with Slick Time Savers I’m very excited to show you something I stumbled upon

First what I’m about to share what you if this is your niche or you’re interested in this my apologies

This niche is such a perfect example to demonstrate what Authority Snooper does best

What I found kinda reminds me of the Frank Kern talking parrot subniche

From the data I’ve uncovered it looks like a winner

The presentation I’m sharing what you today for our first keyword of the day commentary is gonna be open viewing to all the keywords

What I had planned in all fairness to Authority Snooper owners was to blur out the keywords to comment while viewing only the ad counts and the main authority values

But being our first keyword of the day you get to see it all in addition you get all the keywords displayed with their ad counts and the domain authority values in a downloadable CSV sheet

Just check out the link below so let’s get started

Hair Jewelry

I just love it when you get up each day and discover something you didn’t know don’t you
This morning as I passed by the table where my wife was sitting yesterday I noticed a little package marked hair jewelry

I picked it up and looked at the contents nothing much just some hair pieces that hold the hair up but my curiosity got the better of me

I got Authority Snooper set up and entered the keyword phrase hair jewelry into add a keyword and waited to see how many keywords would come back from Google suggest

If you look up at the screen you’ll see that keyword list for hair jewelry

I checked the word count and it only turned out to be 804 keywords much smaller than expected generally I see quite a few more for the jewelry market

So what the heck let’s run it and see what shows for values

Hair Jewelry

As it was running I scrolled down looking for what is easy to rank for and the first the first keyword I stumbled upon no big deal horse hair jewelry gold

I didn’t think much about it went down a little further see another easy to rank for horse hair jewelry with 10 ads on the page and green

Scrolled down a little more found a few more horse hair jewelry keywords now it’s starting to get really interesting especially the last one for another 10 ads on the page this is now more than a coincidence

So it’s time to group them so I sorted them by alphabetical order and scrolled down till I saw them

Now the keywords are starting to show

Now let’s take a look what we find here we go to horse hair fine jewelry nine ads yellow very doable takes a little bit of work

Let’s see horse hair jewelry clasps 9 ads doable because border line but still it’s starting to see heavy hitters here

Go down another one with end caps 8 – 9 horse hair jewelry findings etc…

So next thing I did was to take the keyword horse hair jewelry and run it and this is what we got for horse hair jewelry this time from 804 for hair jewelry we’ve gotten 197 keywords for horse hair jewelry

Being a sub niche of a niche out of a fairly large market there’s quite a few keywords here

Let’s take a look we got for ad counts we have about 15-20 percent ads that are eight and above

But if we look let’s say for halfway a fifty-percent there’s some advertising

Let’s take a look easy to hard about 50 percent a key words here very doable

So it looks like we discovered a sub niche where’s there is money to be made because the advertising money is in there

Quite a few keywords about a 3rd in green and then totally about 50 percent plus that somebody could get in here

Horse Hair Jewelry

You don’t see this very often

Here’s another thing that I want to show you if you investigate any niche that your working on and you ask yourself am I gonna be selling a hard product or info product

In this particular case info products are not the way to go

Here we go how do I make horse hair jewelry which would be a book there’s no advertising in there and there’s a lot of heavy hitters

Let’s go down to another one seven how to make jewelry with horse hair same thing in the red you don’t see any Green keywords for making an info product

Most of the green keywords that your gonna see are for hard products are local keywords like

Horse Hair Jewelry California

So if you had a little store offline business here’s one that would be good for you

Other than that it’s about the actual jewelry itself the hard goods

In closing I hope you can see how powerful the little tool is

The mantra of Authority Snooper is

Instantly know if the fight to the top 10 in organic search is worth investing time in and energy at a glance before you lift a finger or spend a dime

I think we demonstrated this today in finding a possible winning niche this the modern way of doing niche and keyword research using real time data that is completely up to date

Thanks for listening and don’t forget visit the links below to learn more